RD Nutrition

About RD Nutrition

RD Nutrition provides nutrition counseling from Registered Dietitians (RD’s) or Functional Nutrition Therapy Practitioners (FNTP) virtually. RD Nutrition provides personalized support for health-conscious consumers who want to benefit from science-based nutrition education and advice delivered by licensed medical professionals. We can provide nutrition counseling services one-to-one or in groups of 4-6 people.

We believe in a personalized approach to nutrition based on individual goals and needs, and supported by science to transform your relationship with food and create healthy habits for long-term, sustainable health and wellness.

RD Nutrition Programs

RD Nutrition provides personalized, virtual nutritional counseling and support.

man eating salad for lunch

One on One Nutrition Counseling

The ideal option for those who want individualized attention from a registered dietitian (RD) or functional nutrition therapy practitioner (FNTP) based on their goals, needs and lifestyle.

What's Included

Introductory Session

Initial Consultation Session – An opportunity for you and the RD or FNTP to get to know each another. You’ll review medical history, diet and food history, lifestyle, personal health and wellness goals, blood work review* and body composition analysis (*If applicable) – 45 Minutes

Nutrition Education Session

Nutrition Education Session – Designed to provide you with a solid foundation on proper nutrition and the knowledge, tools and resources needed to accomplish and maintain your health and wellness goals; Personalized meal plan provided. – 1 Hour

Follow Up Sessions

Follow Up Sessions – Six sessions in which you discuss your progress, review journal, receive personalized recommendations, on-going support and in-depth discussions to enhance your experience. – 30 Minutes each

Ongoing Support

Stay accountable and in touch between sessions via groups chats and email.

Free body composition scale

Group Counseling

Group Nutrition Counseling

Designed for those who want the support and guidance from a Registered Dietitian in a group setting.

Available in Groups of 4-6 People

What’s Included

Initial Consultation

An opportunity for you to get know your Registered Dietitian and fellow group members and discuss collective health and wellness goals. – 45 minutes

Nutrition Education Session

A nutrition presentation and discussion designed to provide a solid foundation on proper nutrition and tools and resources needed to accomplish health and wellness goals; During this session you will receive your personalized meal plan provided. – 1 hour

Follow Up Sessions

Eight sessions dedicated to reviewing your progress, receiving personalized recommendations, on-going support and in-depth discussions to enhance your experience – 30 Minutes each

Ongoing Support

Stay accountable and in touch between sessions via groups chats and email.

Free body composition scale